Announcing The Chrysalis Effect 10th Anniversary Recovery Summit

Join us to Celebrate 10 years of recovery journeys from M.E, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia 

13th - 17th May 2019


13 Webinars. 5 Days. Join for free anywhere.

Join Elaine and our speakers for an incredible week that you won't want to miss sharing: Cutting Edge Recovery Education, Recovery Stories you will resonate with, Discover the root causes of ME, CFS and Fibromyalgia Symptoms and the 21st Century Approach to recovery that is transforming the health care model. The Summit is Free to attend live and you can also purchase all sessions for a donation.

Full Schedule

Mon: 10.00am & 2pm & 7pm

Tue: 10.00am & 2pm & 7pm

Wed: 10.00am & 2pm & 7pm

Thur: 10.00am & 2pm & 7pm

Fri: 10.00am

Your Host: Elaine Wilkins

Mon 13th May: 10.00am

"10 Years of Recovery"

BA Hons, PGCE, ILM Accredited Coach, Author of ‘Finding ME’ , Founder of Chrysalis Effect Health & the Chrysalis Effect CIC

Dr Patricia Worby PhD

Monday 13th May: 2.00pm

"Part 1:BPS Root Cause Medicine"

Part 1 of a 2 Part Series

Recoverer, TCE Trauma Specialist and Author of The Scar That Won't Heal and The World Within

Jill O'Keeffe

Mon 13th May: 7.00pm

"The Drama Triangle and Recovery"

Recoverer and TCE Specialist Practitioner

Phil Jaworek

Tue 14th May: 10.00am

"Engineering Recovery"

TCE Recoverer

Janie Perry

Tues 14th May: 2.00pm

"Powering Up - Recovering Mitochondrial Function"

Recoverer, TCE Specialist Practitioner Naturopath, Nutritionist and Yoga Teacher

Anne Bryant

Tue 14th May: 7.00pm

"From No Way To Okay - How I Rekindled The Spark"

Recoverer and TCE Specialist Practitioner

Carole Randell

Wed 15th May: 10.00am

"ACE and The Impact Of Accumulated Toxic stress"

M.E. Recoverer and Advanced TCE Specialist Practitioner and Psychotherapist

Dr Patricia Worby PhD

Wed 15th May: 2.00pm

"Part 2 - Thyroid A Cutting Edge Approach"

Recoverer, TCE Recovery and Trauma Specialist. Author of The Scar That Won't Heal and The World Within

Linda Gaskell

Wed 15th May: 7.00pm

"Breaking The Cycle - A Sensitive Journey Of Recovery"

TCE Recoverer

Dr Alison Sabine

Thur 16th May: 10.00am

"Pain Specialist and New Initiatives"

Consultant Rheumatologist - Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, Nordic Walking Instructor,IIN & AFMCP Graduate

David Orman

Thur 16th May: 2.00pm

"Between The Lines - The Role of Family Dynamics In Fibromyalgia"

TCE Recoverer

Kuljit Sehmi

Thur 16th May: 7.00pm

"Diving Deep into Chronic Pain Recovery"

Fibromyalgia Recoverer and TCE Pain Specialist

Elaine Wilkins

Fri 17th May: 10.00am

"Rebuilding Health After CFS and Fibromyalgia - What Does It Take?"

BA Hons, PGCE, ILM Accredited Coach, Author of ‘Finding ME’ , Founder of Chrysalis Effect Health & the Chrysalis Effect CIC


The Live Summit is Completely Free

The Chrysalis Effect is a not for profit organisation providing holistic wrap around support for those struggling with ME, CFS and Fibromyalgia and their families. The recordings will be made available to you once the Summit is over.


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