Gardening has long been hailed as therapeutic by green-fingered enthusiasts but one recover believes being in nature is helping her to heal through growing.
Alison McGrath has now started her own website and blog to inspire
others to get into their gardens to enhance their health and wellbeing.
Alison, who began her working life as a nurse, says she remembers
reading Florence Nightingales Notes on Nursing when she was a
She says: “She understood back in the 19th century that it is nature
that heals, not doctors or nurses; but it needs us to co-operate to
make this possible.
“Nightingale goes on to say that the person with the illness must be put in the best condition for nature to work on them.”
Alison says Nightingale insisted the basics of good nursing lay in good hygiene, good food, fresh air and time. Similarly today a nurse might stress the importance of taking control of their healing and moving forwards to whatever level they are capable of.
Alison’s blog primarily comes from her own experience of Fibromyalgia and always being too tired or too busy.
“I know the frustration of watching a garden disappear under weeds and longing to get outside but having to justify the ‘me time’ against the demands of children, ill parents and a job.
“If tiredness is an aspect of an illness I hope my reflections on this
will be helpful to those who already have a chronic condition or to help others take time out to avoid becoming one of our number.
“Modern medicine may be able to work miracle cures for some people but it struggles to do so more than manage the symptoms
of those with chronic conditions.
“When our doctors tell us there is no cure for fibromyalgia or CFS they are technically correct but that does not mean there is no hope of healing and recovery
“A cure comes from outside and we expect it to be quick and easy, a physical solution to a physical disorder. In contrast, healing comes from the old English word ‘hælan’ to make whole and as such it involves, not only the body, but the mind and the spirit.
“It takes time and often a personal dedication to
prioritising being over doing. It also takes a lot of
support and encouragement to make the changes you
“For me, this came through a wonderful online recovery
programme The Chrysalis Effect to make the changes to my life that have put me on the road to recovery.”
With huge thanks to our Chrysalis Effect Recoverer Alison for sharing this with us.
You can check out Alison’s blog here: mailto:[email protected]